It's time to start the next contest.

We've been partnering with you for years to produce stellar-quality, beautiful pieces of art that tell the story of people and families in York, PA, and beyond.  After all, without YOU in front of the camera, our talents wouldn't be nearly as meaningful. Now, we're relying on you to talk about it!  The more people know about what we do, the more we can do, and you're a vital part of that circle.

Today, the York Sunday News has opened its annual Best of York County contest.  It's easy to nominate us!

  1. From February 9 to February 17, go to

  2. Fill out the online form on that page - for it to be valid, please nominate local businesses in at least ten categories. Our official name is Mudpies N' Butterflies; feel free to copy and paste!

  3. The top five entrants in each category will graduate to a second round of voting from March 30 to April 7.

The Susquehanna Style contest is still underway, too...  They're offering to enter folks who submit more than 25 categories into a drawing. You may be a winner by nominating and voting for us!  That online survey is available through Feb. 28 at the top of this page:

Thank you, in advance, for supporting our efforts in this way.  Thank you for working with us to capture such lovely moments in your lives.  And thank you for being such a vibrant part of life in York.

Mudpies N' Butterflies Photography